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Estate planning: How do trusts shield your wealth?

On Behalf of | Jun 4, 2023 | Estate Planning |

When planning the future of your estate, you want to ensure that your assets are protected and can be passed down to your loved ones without complications or loss. That’s where trusts come into play.

Unlike wills, these estate planning tools can help protect your wealth, even when you are no longer around. This can be particularly beneficial if you intend to provide for future generations or a loved one with special needs.

Trusts can protect your estate from third parties

When you establish a trust, the ownership of the assets is transferred to the trust, which is considered a separate legal entity from the owner and beneficiaries. This separation of legal ownership from personal ownership creates a barrier that shields the assets from creditors, lawsuits and other potential threats.

You can set binding conditions on how the trust assets will be distributed when you die if you wish. You can also specify the purpose of the trust proceeds.

Trusts can have the added benefit of minimizing your estate taxes. Generally, trust assets are not considered part of your taxable estate, which can save you a considerable amount of money in taxes if you have a sizable estate.

Get the help you need

While trusts are powerful tools that can help you achieve your estate planning goals more efficiently, they are also complex legal documents that require careful planning and execution. For instance, mistakes when transferring assets to the trust can void it or make it ineffective.

It explains the necessity of getting informed guidance to help you choose the right type of trust, draft the trust document and ensure that it complies with the law and your wishes.
